Why Crisis Coaching and not Life Coaching? Because sometimes you just need someone to walk beside you through a crisis, a dark night of the soul, a sunless valley.

As I am weeks away from retiring, I bring to the table over 18yrs of pastoral counselling, the experience of coming out, given the left foot of fellowship from the church, losing the respect and comradeship of family, friends and a faith community. I know what it is to walk through a ‘dark night’ of the soul having no one to turn to, but in the end seeing family restored and an open door to new and fascinating friends.

I also know what it is to sit across from a neurologist in 2015 as he has to share the diagnosis of discovering that I show signs of early onset Parkinson's disease. And the journey of walking through this seeming crisis to a place where upon my most recent appointment to be told that he has never in his professional career seen a disease progress so slowly.

From the catastrophe of a crisis to the clarity of contentment. I have been referred to as a ‘Valley Walker’ by colleagues and friends.

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