On every possible social media platform, I continue to send out the invitation to join me and my friends as we delve into their anecdotal ‘dirty’ little secrets. The secrets you will hear are not necessarily dirty, but we, especially in the Western World like to keep life, and death, for that matter, child bearing, child rearing, marriage, aging ad nauseam with a pretence of perfection, and it did not take my lightning fast mind too long to figure out that in life you get knocked around, knocked down, and sometimes even knocked out! But the one thing I have learned and practiced is to get back up, albeit you maybe bloodied, skinned knees, roughed up and not have a soul to assist you, but you get back up.

I have always loved hearing the stories of people who refused to stay down, who refused to be defined by their circumstances or situation or by the apparent ‘norms’ set by society. The dirtiness of their secret is that even with fingers of accusation pointing saying that they brought this on themselves, or their family, friends and faith community declaring them to be down for the count, they got back up and have continued moving ahead, with scars instead of stars, contusions instead of congratulations. Yet without shame admitting to having flaws, faults, and foibles they continue to turn that adversity into an opportunity to make a difference in this world we are living, and many times becoming the light in someone’s darkest and dirtiest hour.

What you will hear is the raw and the real, but always tempered with laughter because you laugh and you learn when you can find the funny in any circumstance and trust me its there, it’s always there. My muddy buddies, know how to laugh, sometimes at the situation, sometimes at themselves and many many times at the culturally acceptable crazy responses of those in the crowd.

I want to use this first Blog to thank my muddy buddy, Chris Lam, who convinced me that I needed to do this sooner than later and committed himself to taking on the role of Program Producer. He is the Creative Director at Evoke Digital Cinema. An amazing creative mind and a fellow consumer of ‘good’ coffee.

I am also indebted to my newest muddy buddies, Andrea Cepeda and Jean-Michel Saulnier who designed this webpage and looked after setting up the social media platforms. They have been so generous with their time and I am sure that several times they have looked at each other and thought, “My God, what were we thinking when we agreed to this?” And last but never least my Life-Partner Ben who continues to stand by my side with the present of his presence, his beautiful smile and always asking me “How much is this going to cost? And when is it going to make money?”

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